In late 2023, a group of Principal Investigators from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON, operated by Battelle) and Northern Arizona State University, along with collaborators from the broader GERI Network and other key user groups (e.g., Drought-Net Research Coordination Network and the International Drought Experiment) launched an NSF-funded project titled: AccelNet-Implementation: Global Ecosystem Research Infrastructure (GERI): Harmonizing Data to address Ecological Drought. The PIs include Mike SanClements (Principal Investigator), Benjamin Ruddell, Henry Loescher, Christine Laney and Senior Personnel Paula Mabee. Supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, this project aims to meet three overarching objectives:
1. Further develop and leverage strategic international network to network collaborations.
2. Accelerate scientific discovery by bringing together international stakeholders and researchers to guide the harmonization of global ecological drought data as a first focus.
3. Prepare the next generation of researchers in this network-of-network approach via workshops, training, and enhanced opportunities for collaboration.
To learn more about this AccelNet project read this recent NEON blog post and revisit this web page as we will continue to add information as the project progresses. Also feel free to contact Dr. Mike SanClements at sanclements [at]